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Make $$$
Easyiest way to make money! They pay you just for surfing the web. No gimmicks, it's free. Just a banner at the bottom of your browser. A small 1MB download!. Just click the link at the top if the barner does not appear, just go ahead and click on it .
Tired of paying your internet service provider $20 to $15, Join Alladvantage and you wont have to pay your internet service provider. You surf the web for 1 hour each day for 30 days untill you exeed $30 and you can pay your service provider and some of your phone bills, it's like having the internet for free. This is how it works. When you surf the internet for 1 hour you earn $.50 and if you have referals you earn $.10 of 1 hour that they surf and your $$$ goes up faster than you surfing by yourself, but make sure that you give your referal your ID # so you can earn money. DON'T FORGET TO DOWNLOAD YOUR VIEWBAR( APPROXIMATE 1 MB ) cause thats how you will get your money. If you have trouble with any of this go to the Contact Us page, I have 3 ways you can contact me.