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For Age of Empiresä
Note: If you want a trainer, you must be a member for at least 30 days or more. When you get your trainer please use it when others are cheating, we dont want anybody giving this clan a bad name.
My zone name: DBZ_Captain1
To Join
u Send me an email to and subject must be saying the following " I want to join Dragon BallZ Clan" then you need to give me you zone screen name wich should be DBZ_xxxxx ( Replace "xxxxx" with your desired name ) ex. DBZ_GrandMaster456 or fill the form below. Please submit only once, thanks.
v The leader name wich is me, will be named DBZ_Captain1 add me to your zone friends so we can keep up with you and I will add you to my.
Suport Us
Want this great clan to grow bigger and better. Well we need your suport, you can help us make $$$ and at the sametime you will be making money. HOW?. Well it's simple you can join Alladvantage and get paid to surf the web( .50 per hour) and my your referals can make .10 an hour when they surf the web. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO AND TO SIGN UP. THIS LINK WILL TAKE YOU TO MY ALLADVANTAGE PAGE.